It's the year 2020. Why are you still using OpenVZ 6 VPSes? Because they only cost one dollar per year. Since the kernel of OpenVZ 6 is extremely old (Linux 2.6.32), newer systems cannot function normally on an old kernel, so I had to stick to Debian 8 with my previous OpenVZ VPSes. But I found a modified Glibc (C language runtime library) that allows running Debian 10 normally on OpenVZ 6. WARNING I don't guarantee that the steps below are suitable for all OpenVZ VPSes, nor do I ensure the safety/integrity of this Glibc (I didn't look into its modifications, but speaking of security, the end-of-life OpenVZ 6 is probably the farthest thing from security). Backup your data , since in worst scenarios, you need to reinstall the OS. Steps The author only provided DEB packages,...