Illustration for Bird-lg in Go (Bird Looking Glass)

Bird-lg in Go (Bird Looking Glass)

What's BIRD? And What's Bird-lg? BIRD is a popular BGP routing software used on Linux. I mainly use Bird in the DN42 network , to establish connections with other users. Bird-lg is a Python 2 based program developed by GitHub user sileht. It provides a web interface to show the status of BIRD routing software on each server, as well as query routes to specified IPs. Why Rewrite in Go? Bird-lg is based on Python 2 and Flask and takes more memory (20-30MB). Bird-lgproxy also takes around 20MB and is required on every server. On the 512MB VPS where this site is hosted, there had been multiple cases where memory ran out, and the on-disk SWAP was too slow. In this case, Docker, Nginx, MySQL, PHP would crash one after one, and a reboot would be necessary....