(Title image sourced from: Wikipedia - Trigonometry)
I wanted to calculate the network latency between all my VPS nodes, and add the
latency into the configuration file of Bird BGP daemon, so the network packets
are forwarded through the lowest latency route. However, I have 17 nodes as of
today, and I didn't want to manually run a ping
command between each pair.
So I came up with a solution: I can mark the latitudes and longitudes of the physical locations of my nodes, calculate the physical distance, and divide that by half the light speed to get the approximate latencies. I randomly sampled a few node pairs, and found that the Internet routing between them are mostly straightforward, with no significant detours. In this case, the physical distance is a good approximation that satisfies my requirements.
Because I use NixOS across all my nodes, and manage all configs with Nix, I need to find a way to calculate this distance with Nix. One commonly used method to calculate distance based on latitude/longitude is Haversine formula. It approximates the Earth as a sphere with a radius of 6371km, and then use the following formula to calculate the distance:
Reference: Wikipedia - Haversine formula
Note: there are a few variations of Haversine formula. I actually used this arctan-based implementation from Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27943
Nix however, as a language mainly focused on packaging and generating config files, naturally doesn't natively support trigonometric functions, and is only capable of some simple floating point computations.
Thus I went with another way, depending on Python's geopy
module for distance
}: let
in {
# Calculate distance between latitudes/longitudes in kilometers
distance = a: b: let
py = pkgs.python3.withPackages (p: with p; [geopy]);
helper = a: b:
lib.toInt (builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommandLocal
{nativeBuildInputs = [py];}
python > $out <<EOF
import geopy.distance
print(int(geopy.distance.geodesic((${a.lat}, ${a.lng}), (${b.lat}, ${b.lng})).km))
if a.lat < b.lat || (a.lat == b.lat && a.lng < b.lng)
then helper a b
else helper b a;
It works, but what it really did is creating a new "package" for each pair of
latitudes/longitudes, and having Nix build it. In order to achieve reproducible
packaging wherever possible, and prevent extra variables from being introduced,
Nix creates a sandbox isolated from Internet and restricted from arbitrary disk
access, run Python in this sandbox, have it load geopy
, and do the
calculation. This process is slow, taking around 0.5s for each package on my
laptop (i7-11800H), and cannot be parallelized due to Nix's limitations. As of
today, my 17 nodes are distributed in 10 different cities around the world. This
means calculating all these distances alone will take
In addition, since the output of the packaging function pkgs.runCommandLocal
is immediately consumed by builtins.readFile
, the packages for distance
calculation are not directly referenced by my Nix config. This means that their
reference count is 0, and will be immediately garbage collected with
nixos-collect-garbage -d
. Next time I want to build my config, it needs
another 22.5s to calculate all of them again.
Is it possible that I no longer rely on Python, but instead implement the trigonometric functions sin, cos, tan, and finally implement the Haversine function?
And here comes the project today: trigonometric math library implemented in pure Nix.
sin, cos, tan: Taylor Expansion
The trigonometric functions, sine and cosine, have a relatively easy way to compute: Taylor expansions. We all know that the sine function has the following Taylor expansion:
We can observe that each expanded item can be calculated with basic arithmetric operations. Therefore, we can implement the following functions in Nix:
pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
# Helper functions to sum/multiply all items in the array
sum = builtins.foldl' builtins.add 0;
multiply = builtins.foldl' builtins.mul 1;
# Modulos function, "a mod b". Used for limiting input to sin/cos to (-2pi, 2pi)
mod = a: b:
if a < 0
then mod (b - mod (0 - a) b) b
else a - b * (div a b);
# Power function, calculates "x^times", where "times" is an integer
pow = x: times: multiply (lib.replicate times x);
# Sine function
sin = x: let
# Convert x to floating point to avoid integer arithmetrics.
# Also modulos it by 2pi to limit input range and avoid precision loss
x' = mod (1.0 * x) (2 * pi);
# Calculate i-th item in the expansion, i starts from 1
step = i: (pow (0 - 1) (i - 1)) * multiply (lib.genList (j: x' / (j + 1)) (i * 2 - 1));
# Note: this lib.genList call is equal to for (j = 0; j < i*2-1; j++)
# TODO: Not completed yet!
For the calculation of a single Taylor expansion item, to avoid precision loss, I didn't calculate the numerator and denominator separately before dividing them. Instead, I expanded to , and calculate them one by one, and multiply all these much smaller results.
Then, we need to determine how many items we want to calculate. We could opt to a constant number of items, 10 for example:
sin = x: let
x' = mod (1.0 * x) (2 * pi);
step = i: (pow (0 - 1) (i - 1)) * multiply (lib.genList (j: x' / (j + 1)) (i * 2 - 1));
# Invert when x < 0 to reduce input range
if x < 0
then -sin (0 - x)
# Calculate 10 Taylor expansion items and add them up
else sum (lib.genList (i: step (i + 1)) 10);
But when a fixed number of items are used, the 10 Taylor expansion items quickly diminish below floating point accuracy when the input is very small, and further items are still not small enough to be ignored with larger inputs. So I decided to have it make decisions based on the value of Taylor expansion items, and stop computation when the value is below our accuracy target:
# Accuracy target, stop iterating when Taylor expansion item is below this
epsilon = pow (0.1) 10;
# Absolute value function "abs" and its alias "fabs"
abs = x:
if x < 0
then 0 - x
else x;
fabs = abs;
sin = x: let
x' = mod (1.0 * x) (2 * pi);
step = i: (pow (0 - 1) (i - 1)) * multiply (lib.genList (j: x' / (j + 1)) (i * 2 - 1));
# Stop if absolute value of current item is below epsilon, continue otherwise
# "tmp" is the accumulator, and "i" is the index for the Taylor expansion item
helper = tmp: i: let
value = step i;
if (fabs value) < epsilon
then tmp
else helper (tmp + value) (i + 1);
if x < 0
then -sin (0 - x)
# Accumulate from 0, index start from 1
else helper 0 1;
Now we have a sine function with sufficient accuracy. Scan its result with input from 0 to 10 (above ), with a step of 0.001:
# arange: generate an array from "min" (inclusive) to "max" (exclusive) every "step"
arange = min: max: step: let
count = floor ((max - min) / step);
lib.genList (i: min + step * i) count;
# arange: generate an array from "min" (inclusive) to "max" (inclusive) every "step"
arange2 = min: max: step: arange min (max + step) step;
# Test function: calculate each value from array "inputs" with "fn", and generate an attrset for input -> output
testOnInputs = inputs: fn:
builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.map (v: {
name = builtins.toString v;
value = fn v;
# Test function: try all inputs from "min" (inclusive) to "max" (inclusive) every "step"
testRange = min: max: step: testOnInputs (math.arange2 min max step);
testOutput = testRange (0 - 10) 10 0.001 math.sin;
Compare testOutput
to the result of Python Numpy's np.sin
, and all the
results are within 0.0001% of true value. This satisfies our precision
Similarly, we can implement the cosine function:
# Convert cosine to sine
cos = x: sin (0.5 * pi - x);
You really think I'm doing it from ground zero again? Really?
Similarly, the tangent function is also simple:
tan = x: (sin x) / (cos x);
I also ran the test on cos
and tan
, and the error is also within 0.0001%.
arctan: Approximation. the Only Way
The arctangent function also has a Taylor expansion:
Yet it is easy to notice that arctan's Taylor expansion doesn't converge nearly as fast as sine. Since its denominator increase linearly, we need to calculate much more items before it's smaller than epsilon, which may cause a stack overflow for Nix:
error: stack overflow (possible infinite recursion)
Taylor expansion is no longer an option then, we need something that calculates much faster. Being inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/a/42542593, I decided to fit the arctangent curve on with polynomial regression, and map the arctangent function in other ranges using the following rules:
Start Python and Numpy, and begin the fitting process:
import numpy as np
# Generate input to arctan, 1000 points on [0, 1]:
a = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
# Polynomial regression, I'm using 10th order polynomial (x^10)
fit = np.polyfit(a, np.arctan(a), 10)
# Output regression results
print('\n'.join(["{0:.7f}".format(i) for i in (fit[::-1])]))
# 0.0000000
# 0.9999991
# 0.0000361
# -0.3339481
# 0.0056166
# 0.1692346
# 0.1067547
# -0.3812212
# 0.3314050
# -0.1347016
# 0.0222228
The output above means that the arctangent function on can be approximated with:
We can replicate this polynomial function in Nix:
# Polynomial calculation, x^0*poly[0] + x^1*poly[1] + ... + x^n*poly[n]
polynomial = x: poly: let
step = i: (pow x i) * (builtins.elemAt poly i);
sum (lib.genList step (builtins.length poly));
# Arctangent function
atan = x: let
poly = [
(0 - 0.3339528)
(0 - 0.3814731)
(0 - 0.1347978)
# Mapping when x < 0
if x < 0
then -atan (0 - x)
# Mapping when x > 1
else if x > 1
then pi / 2 - atan (1 / x)
# Polynomial calculation when 0 <= x <= 1
else polynomial x poly;
I ran the precision test, and all results are within 0.0001% of true value.
sqrt: Newtonian Method
For the square root function, we can iterate with the famous Newtonian method. The iteration formula I'm using is:
Of which is the input to the square root function.
We can implement Newtonian square root calculation in Nix with the following code, and iterate until the change in result is below epsilon:
# Square root function
sqrt = x: let
helper = tmp: let
value = (tmp + 1.0 * x / tmp) / 2;
if (fabs (value - tmp)) < epsilon
then value
else helper value;
if x < epsilon
then 0
else helper (1.0 * x);
The precision test shows all results are within (absolute value) of true value.
Haversine Formula
With the functions above ready, we can finally start implementing the Haversine formula. I'm using this implementation from Stackoverflow as a reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27943
# Convert degree to radian
deg2rad = x: x * pi / 180;
# Haversine formula, input a pair of latitudes/longitudes, output surface distance on Earth
haversine = lat1: lon1: lat2: lon2: let
# Treat the Earth as a sphere with radius of 6371km
radius = 6371000;
# Radian of latitude difference
rad_lat = deg2rad ((1.0 * lat2) - (1.0 * lat1));
# Radian of longitude difference
rad_lon = deg2rad ((1.0 * lon2) - (1.0 * lon1));
# Calculate based on formula
a = (sin (rad_lat / 2)) * (sin (rad_lat / 2)) + (cos (deg2rad (1.0 * lat1))) * (cos (deg2rad (1.0 * lat2))) * (sin (rad_lon / 2)) * (sin (rad_lon / 2));
c = 2 * atan ((sqrt a) / (sqrt (1 - a)));
radius * c;
Finally, calculate the theoretical delay based on light speed:
# 150000: distance light travels each millisecond, divided by 2 (for round trip)
rttMs = lat1: lon1: lat2: lon2: floor ((haversine lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2) / 150000);
I finally reached the target I was aiming for: calculate the theoretical network latency between my nodes based on the light speed.
All these trigonometric functions (and some extra math functions) can be obtained from my GitHub: https://github.com/xddxdd/nix-math
If you're using Nix Flake, you can use the function as follows:
inputs = {
nix-math.url = "github:xddxdd/nix-math";
outputs = inputs: let
math = inputs.nix-math.lib.math;
value = math.sin (math.deg2rad 45);