含有标签 IP 的文章

Typecho 显示评论者国家和浏览器

Typecho 由于插件稀少,一直没有找到显示评论者国家和浏览器的插件,所以只好自力更生了。 代码修改自WordPress插件Show UserAgent,下载页面: https://wordpress.org/plugins/show-useragent/ 前提是你的主题使用了自定义评论代码而不是Typecho默认的评论显示代码,一般符合要求的主题的comments.php或者functions.php中会有如下代码: <?php function threadedComments ( $comments , $options ) { //blablabla ?> 下载Show UserAgent插件解压,把里面的flags文件夹改名成country,browsers文件夹改名成browser,ip2c文件夹改名成lib,上传到服务器上你的主题文件夹。(其实不改也可以,但是我是按照个人习惯这么改的,你也可以修改下面代码的路径) 在主题的functions.php中插入这么长一串代码: <?php /* 地理位置判断 */ ?> <?php function CID_get_country ( $ip ) { require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/lib/ip2c.php' )...

Host1Free 近期改造网络架构,更换VPS IP

Dear Host1Free User Lan Tian, We would like to announce that due to changes in our network infrastructure we will be changing current IP address of your free VPS server to the new one In order to allow you to prepare for this event we added IP address as main IP address and old IP left as additional to your free VPS server. Next Wednesday (2013-06-13) old IP address will be removed. Please make sure to update your servers settings, DNS settings and etc. accordingly to avoid any inconience after old IP( address removal at Wednesday." Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. Regards, Host1Free adminsitrators team 简洁来说,VPS的IP地址改成5.175.206.68,原来的5.175.156.249留到下周三作为过渡,请修改好自己的DNS解析。...